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Cryptocurrency Tax Blog

Image of dogecoin on black background

Canadian Tax Lawyer Analysis of the Bored Ape Yacht Club’s Non-Fungible Tokens

Introduction –Non-fungible Tokens (Nfts) – What Are They? NFTs are a relatively recent phenomenon that […]
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Published: January 17, 2023
Image of bitcoins and receipts on pink background

How Cryptocurrency Stablecoins are Taxed: A Canadian Tax Lawyer’s Guide

Over the past several years, the cryptocurrency market has been very volatile. As a matter […]
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Published: January 13, 2023
Person putting bitcoins into a mouse piggy bank

Holding of Cryptocurrencies, NFTs, or Blockchain Assets in RRSP: How Does it Work?: A Canadian Tax Lawyer Guide

Introduction: Is Holding Cryptocurrency in your RRSP an Expectant Tax Disaster?  A registered retirement savings […]
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Published: December 29, 2022
Picture of football players on the field

Tax Implications of Fantasy Sports Winnings: A Guide from a Toronto Tax Lawyer

Fantasy Sport and Tax Law - An Overview Fantasy sport refers to a type of […]
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Published: December 16, 2022
picture of lines of bitcoin planted in soil

Taxation of Cryptocurrency Yield Farming and Liquidity Mining

Introduction – What Is Liquidity Mining (or Yield Farming) for Cryptocurrencies? You have effectively lent […]
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Published: December 16, 2022
Dark image with persons hand on keyboard navigating dark web

Taxation and the "Dark Web": An Analysis by a Canadian Tax Lawyer

Introduction: Dark Web and Canadian Taxes Taxpayers have taken precautions to safeguard themselves online and […]
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Published: December 15, 2022

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